July 31, 2008

The Sounds of more Sounds

In keeping with the awesome audio mixtapes (thanks!), I thought I'd make one too. Instead of music this is sort of a radio show mixtape. Some of these will download in to itunes, some will stream. Either way, enjoy listening at your leisure.

Jonathan Goldstein- Wiretap. CBC Radio. Lots of segments from his show are availabe - totally funny!
Click on "This One's For The Children"

Episode 323: The Super. From This American Life.
The second story is quite possibly one of the best ever: Act Two - Benchpressing Snowman by Josh Bearman.

This last one is a favorite radio show on WNYC - The Brian Lehrar Show.
He broadcast for a few days from the Aspen Ideas Festival; July 3rd and 4th (this link is the first one).

1 comment:

jay said...

The one about the supers is great. I worked with a guy at a location which will remain unspecified who was the filipino version of 'bob.'