July 11, 2008

luv 2 party

tgif, dewds.


dan said...

i totally saw this on boing boing yesterday and had planned on posting it here to keep in line with your party-hearty theme, chris... way to beat me to it.

cjs said...

"i was down in ft. lauderdale laying cable for a week. they send us all up and down 95. this one night i was having a few drinks and enjoying the ocean breeze at bennay's tavern, nice place i go to when i'm down there. this ol' gal comes up and starts talking to me, says she's from korea. says 'you ever have the bennay bomb?'. i says no and we had a few. look, i don't know if that rumor is true or not, i was bombed, but it was sideways. we had some laughs, though."

bubbles inc., 32, lansdowne, freethinker

Aaron Wexler said...

Practically straight out of "The Onion"... but sadly not.