July 4, 2008

cosmic cowboy pros

almost forgot this one!! the curtain closer for willie's infamous '74 4th of july bbq. dig every awesome dude ever on that stage - david allan coe, leon russel, willie, michael martin murphy, doug kershaw, waylon, etc. just to begin with. so much sesh might it almost makes me go numb. i want to throw a jam like this sometime soon so please get your moves down.


embedding was disabled but don't let that keep you from the party.


jay said...

i was lucky enough to see this at the nuart theater in santa monica on 16mm and larger than life. hands down one of the best live events committed to record. leon russell falling down drunk and still able to keep it pro the whole time, some whacked out cajun fiddler who resembled ray davies wearing a red austin powers kind of mod jacket with the frilly white neck, and, amazingly for a 4th of july event in texas, not s single flag in sight: no lone star, no stars and stripes and no rebel flag. leave it to willie to create that vibe.

dan said...

it was only a matter of time before one of us put the "label" option to good use. welcome aboard, chris.

Anonymous said...

the only thing missing on stage is all of Badfinger on acoustic guitars, ala The Concert for Bangladesh