March 26, 2008

rip Actor Richard Widmark

from Pickup on South Street. Always like to see a body of water used as a beer fridge

also check out Kiss of Death. Great movies.


dan said...

oh shit!!! i was just joking with my dad about him being still alive. widmark is one my absolute faves. and yeah, pickup on south street is one of his very best. haven't seen kiss of death.

oh man that bums me out.

also, if you're really into film geekery like me, the critic manny farber writes some really beautiful stuff about how details like beer in the river make films by people like sam fuller so great.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad there's more fans of Widmark out there.

Check out Kiss of Death. It has the famous moment where Widmark ties a wheel chair-bound lady up and rolls her down the stairs of her apartment building...and then giggles. That's the scene that made him, and also fixed him as a nasty character for many years.

Once he shook that yoke he appeared in Judgement at Nuremburg, which is entirely different but good. He plays the lead prosecutor of the Nazis.

One last noir that I've seen and liked with R.W.: Night and the City.

dan said...

yeah, i enjoyed night and the city, and i've seen bits and pieces of nuremberg...

while we're recommending widmark things, i'd recommend an underrated western called yellow sky, that pairs him with gregory peck and anne baxter. another charismatic tough guy role. and a really beautiful film, in a humble sort of way.

looking forward to kiss of death!

dan said...
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