September 1, 2008

samantha bee is voting for mc cain


Aaron Wexler said...

Yup, that's 50% of the thinking strategy.
And for any right-wing fundamentalist mom out there who's ever had a 17 year old daughter get knocked-up... she's even more appealing as VP! Add that and her new born plus her other children and her impending inditement... she'll have plenty of experience to bring to the table.
I'm not even a woman and I feel totally insulted.

Aaron Wexler said...

... In other news, Dixon Wilson formerly Michael from The Wire is on the new 90210.
I hope he has his shot gun with him so that he can rob those dummies. I think he'd be pretty safe in L.A. It would be hard for Marlo to find him there. Maybe Dookie could move out there with him and get a fresh start. East Coast represent!

dan said...

i saw an ad for some really lame looking mark wahlberg superhero movie and marlo was, i think, the bad guy... marlo's also gonna be on heroes apparently. oh, and omar is in the new spike lee thing about WWII, as well as the big screen version of cormac mc carthy's the road, which i fear might be bad. and daniels is on this new x-files-ish thing they've been promoting a lot lately. i forget the name. the non-dawson dude from dawson's creek is on it though.

as for the republicans, i think they've officially shit the bed. i mean, who knows what can happen in the next 3 months (i have a feeling reverend wright will re-emerge as an issue), but i think this shit is gonna be tough to bounce back from...